International Competitions - June 14, 2020 14:00CoachingFutsal is back!Enjoy a great tool for coachesA message by Mico Martic - CoachingFutsal Founder

Futsal coaches, you can start celebrating! The new version of CoachingFutsal is finally online and destinated to further improvements and updates in the next weeks. Totally renewed compared to the original version launched in 2011 as a kind of' spin-off, CoachingFutsal is back with the unchanged aim of supporting futsal coaches worldwide and giving them access to world class expertise. We have relaunched the website with a user-friendly platform that makes it even easier for you to deliver high quality coaching.

And don't miss our amazing Futsal Tactics Board coming in mid-July!

Futsal is here!

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Do you need more info? Get in touch!

Don't miss Futsal Tactics Board in July!

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CoachingFutsal is back!

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