International Competitions - October 02, 2018 15:30UEFA Futsal Champions League 18/19Main Round: all you need to know is here!18th edition

1st with UEFA Futsal Champions League denomination, replacing UEFA Futsal Cup

Season 2018/2019

Official draw: July 5th 2018, 14.15 CET in Nyon, Switzerland

-> Tournament regulations

Previous stages
-> Preliminary round: scores & standings

all times are local (Looking for CET Times? Click here!)

Group 1 (PATH A)

Halle (Belgium)
Venue: De Bres
Delegate: Fabrizio Di Felice (Italy)
Ondrej Cerny (Czech Republic)
Christos Christou (Cyprus)
Balazs Farkas (Hungary)
Vladimir Kadykov (Russia)
Referees Observer: Alexandre Remin (Belarus)

Barça Lassa (Spain)
FP Halle-Gooik (Belgium), hosts
Kremlin Bicêtre United (France)
SL Benfica (Portugal)

17.30 Barca Lassa vs Kremlin Bicêtre United 4-2 (2-1)
20.00 FP Halle-Gooik vs SL Benfica 3-5 (0-1)

17.30 SL Benfica vs Barca Lassa 1-1 (0-0)
20.00 FP Halle-Gooik vs Kremlin Bicêtre United 9-4 (4-1)

17.30 Kremlin Bicêtre United vs SL Benfica 1-9 (1-2)
20.00 Barca Lassa vs FP Halle-Gooik 7-3 (4-1)

UFCL 18/19 Main Round - Group 1 Standing
1. SL Benfica ------------------3-2-1-0-15--5-7
2. Barça Lassa -----------------3-2-1-0-12--6-7
3. FP Halle-Gooik --------------3-1-0-2-15-16-3
4. Kremlin Bicêtre United ------3-0-0-3--7-22-0

Clubs entering Elite Round: SL Benfica, Barça Lassa and FP Halle-Gooik


Group 2 (PATH A)

Kragujevac (Serbia)
Venue: Sports Hall Jezero
Delegate: Antonio Dario (Italy)
Josip Barton (FYROM Macedonia)
Juan Boelen (Belgium)
Timo Onatsu (Finland)
Vitali Rakutski (Belarus)
Referees Observer: Stefan Tivold (Slovenia)

Era-Pack Chrudim (Czech Republic)
KMF Ekonomac Kragujevac (Serbia), hosts
MFC Prodexim Kherson (Ukraine)
Movistar Inter (Spain - holders)

18.00 Movistar Inter vs MFC Prodexim Kherson 3-0 (2-0)
20.30 KMF Ekonomac Kragujevac vs Era-Pack Chrudim 3-6 (0-2)

18.00 Era-Pack Chrudim vs Movistar Inter 1-2 (1-1)
20.30 KMF Ekonomac Kragujevac vs MFC Prodexim Kherson 3-2 (2-0)

18.00 MFC Prodexim Kherson vs Era-Pack Chrudim 0-1 (0-0)
20.30 Movistar Inter vs KMF Ekonomac Kragujevac 4-2 (2-1)

UFCL 18/19 Main Round - Group 2 Standing
1. Movistar Inter --------------3-3-0-0--9--3-9
2. Era-Pack Chrudim ------------3-2-0-1--8--5-6
3. KMF Ekonomac Kragujevac -----3-1-0-2--8-12-3
4. MFC Prodexim Kherson --------3-0-0-3--2--7-0

Clubs entering Elite Round: Movistar Inter, Era-Pack Chrudim and KMF Ekonomac Kragujevac


Group 3 (PATH A)

Podcetrtek (Slovenia)
Venue: Sporthall Podcetrtek
Delegate: Stephan Kammerer (Germany)
Marc Birkett (England)
Trayan Enchev (Bulgaria)
Javier Moreno Reina (Spain)
Vladan Radulovic (Serbia)
Referees Observer: Radek Lobo (Czech Republic)

Futsal Klub Dobovec (Slovenia, hosts)
Gazprom Ugra (Russia)
MVFC Berettyóújfalu (Hungary)
PMFK Sibiryak (Russia)

17.30 Gazprom Ugra vs MVFC Berettyóújfalu 4-1 (3-1)
20.00 Futsal Klub Dobovec vs PMFK Sibiryak 3-0 (1-0)

17.30 PMFK Sibiryak vs Gazprom Ugra 1-9 (0-2)
20.00 Futsal Klub Dobovec vs MVFC Berettyóújfalu 6-2 (1-0)

17.30 MVFC Berettyóújfalu vs PMFK Sibiryak 1-3 (1-2)
20.00 Gazprom Ugra vs Futsal Klub Dobovec 2-0 (0-0)

UFCL 18/19 Main Round - Group 3 Standing
1. Gazprom Ugra ----------------3-3-0-0-15--2-9
2. Futsal Klub Dobovec ---------3-2-0-1--9--4-6
3. PMFK Sibiryak ---------------3-1-0-2--4-13-3
4. MVFC Berettyóújfalu ---------3-0-0-3--4-13-0

Clubs entering Elite Round: Gazprom Ugra, Futsal Klub Dobovec and PMFK Sibiryak


Group 4 (PATH A)

Pristina (Kosovo)
Venue: Youth Palace
Delegate: Ferenc Ragadics (Hungary)
Juan Josè Cordero Gallardo (Spain)
Alessandro Malfer (Italy)
Cedric Pelissier (France)
Elchin Samadli (Azerbaijan)
Referees Observer: Edi Sunjic (Croatia)

FC Feniks (Kosovo), hosts
Kairat Almaty (Kazakhstan)
LSM Lida (Belarus)
Sporting Clube de Portugal (Portugal)

18.00 Sporting Clube de Portugal vs LSM Lida 3-2 (3-0)
20.30 FC Feniks vs Kairat Almaty 3-7 (2-5)

18.00 Kairat Almaty vs Sporting Clube de Portugal 2-1 (2-1)
20.30 FC Feniks vs LSM Lida 2-3 (1-0)

18.00 LSM Lida vs Kairat Almaty 0-6 (0-3)
20.30 Sporting Clube de Portugal vs FC Feniks 5-0 (1-0)

UFCL 18/19 Main Round - Group 4 Standing
1. Kairat Almaty ---------------3-3-0-0-15--4-9
2. Sporting CP -----------------3-2-0-1--9--4-6
3. LSM Lida --------------------3-1-0-2--5-11-3
4. FC Feniks -------------------3-0-0-3--5-15-0

Clubs entering Elite Round: Kairat Almaty, Sporting CP and LSM Lida


Group 5 (PATH B)

Nicosia (Cyprus)
Venue: Tassos Papadopoulos
Delegate: Valeriu Ionita (Romania)
Vasileios Christodoulis (Greece)
Gabor Kovacs (Hungary)
Alejandro Martinez Flores (Spain)
Dejan Veselic (Slovenia)
Referees Observer: Talal Darawshi (Israel)

Acqua & Sapone Unigross (Italy)
FC APOEL Nicosia (Cyprus), hosts
FC Mostar SG Staklorad (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
IFK Uddevalla Futsal (Sweden)

17.00 Acqua & Sapone Unigross vs IFK Uddevalla Futsal 6-0 (2-0)
19.30 FC APOEL Nicosia vs FC Mostar SG Staklorad 4-0 (0-0)

16.00 FC Mostar SG Staklorad vs Acqua & Sapone Unigross 2-6 (0-1)
19.00 FC APOEL Nicosia vs IFK Uddevalla Futsal 2-5 (1-3)

16:00 IFK Uddevalla Futsal vs FC Mostar SG Staklorad 4-8 (3-2)
19:00 Acqua & Sapone Unigross vs FC APOEL Nicosia 6-1 (3-0)

UFCL 18/19 Main Round - Group 5 Standing
1. Acqua & Sapone Unigross -----3-3-0-0-18--3-9
2. FC APOEL Nicosia ------------3-1-0-2--7-11-3
3. FC Mostar SG Staklorad ------3-1-0-2-10-14-3
4. IFK Uddevalla Futsal --------3-1-0-2--9-16-3

Club entering Elite Round: Acqua & Sapone Unigross


Group 6 (PATH B)

Makarska (Croatia)
Venue: Gradski Sportski Centar Makarska
Delegate: Hans Schelling (Netherlands)
Tomasz Frak (Poland)
Angelo Galante (Italy)
Jan Kliner (Czech Republic)
Costas Nicolaou (Cyprus)
Referees Observer: Silvio Borosak (Slovenia)

Kampuksen Dynamo (Finland)
MFC Aktobe (Kazakhstan)
MFC Tatishvili (Georgia)
MNK Novo Vrijeme Apfel Makarska (Croatia), hosts)

18.00 MFC Aktobe vs MFC Tatishvili 6-2 (4-0)
20.30 MNK Novo Vrijeme Apfel Makarska vs Kampuksen Dynamo 6-1 (2-1)

18.00 Kampuksen Dynamo vs MFC Aktobe 0-3 (0-1)
20.30 MNK Novo Vrijeme Apfel Makarska vs MFC Tatishvili 4-2 (3-2)

18.00 MFC Tatishvili vs Kampuksen Dynamo 5-1 (1-1)
20.30 MFC Aktobe vs MNK Novo Vrijeme Apfel Makarska 3-4 (1-2)

UFCL 18/19 Main Round - Group 6 Standing
1. MNK Novo Vrijeme Makarska ---3-3-0-0-14--6-9
2. MFC Aktobe ------------------3-2-0-1-12--6-6
3. MFC Tatishvili --------------3-1-0-2--9-11-3
4. Kampuksen Dynamo ------------3-0-0-3--2-14-0

Club entering Elite Round: MNK Novo Vrijeme Makarska


Group 7 (PATH B)

Jelgava (Latvia)
Venue: Zemgales Olympic Centre
Delegate: Massimo Nanni (San Marino)
Moshe Bohbot (Israel)
Eduardo Josè Fernandes Coelho (Portugal)
Borislav Kolev (Bulgaria)
Grigoriy Zelentsov (Russia)
Referees Observer: Gjergji Bitri (Malta)

FK Nikars Riga (Latvia), hosts
Informatica Timisoara (Romania)
Record Bielsko-Biala (Poland)
VFL 05 Hohenstein-Ernstthal (Germany)

17.00 VFL 05 Hohenstein-Ernstthal vs Informatica Timisoara 1-0 (0-0)
19.30 FK Nikars Riga vs Record Bielsko-Biala 0-7 (0-5)

17.00 Record Bielsko-Biala vs VFL 05 Hohenstein-Ernstthal 5-1 (1-1)
19.30 FK Nikars Riga vs Informatica Timisoara 2-6 (0-2)

15.00 Informatica Timisoara vs Record Bielsko-Biala 1-1 (0-1)
17.30 VFL 05 Hohenstein-Ernstthal vs FK Nikars Riga 3-4 (0-1)

UFCL 18/19 Main Round - Group 7 Standing
1. Record Bielsko-Biala --------3-2-1-0-13--2-7
2. Informatica Timisoara -------3-1-1-1--7--4-4
3. FK Nikars Riga --------------3-1-0-2--6-16-3
4. VFL 05 Hohenstein-Ernstthal -3-1-0-2--5--9-3

Club entering Elite Round: Record Bielsko-Biala


Group 8 (PATH B)

Lucenec (Slovakia)
Venue: Sportova hala Arena
Delegate: Gerard Behan (Republic of Ireland)
Kamil Cetin (Turkey)
Swen Eichler (Germany)
David Schaerli (Switzerland)
Ivan Shabanov (Russia)
Referees Observer: Victor Van Helvoirt (Netherlands)

Araz Naxçivan (Azerbaijan)
FK Vytis Futsal (Lithuania)
Mimel Lucenec (Slovakia), hosts
Valletta FC (Malta)

15.30 Araz Naxçivan vs FK Vytis Futsal 0-1 (0-0)
18.00 Mimel Lucenec vs Valletta FC 4-3 (1-1)

15.30 Valletta FC vs Araz Naxçivan 1-1 (0-1)
18.00 Mimel Lucenec vs FK Vytis Futsal 2-3 (1-2)

15.30 FK Vytis Futsal vs Valletta FC 5-0 (2-0)
18.00 Araz Naxçivan vs Mimel Lucenec 2-5 (2-2)

UFCL 18/19 Main Round - Group 8 Standing
1. FK Vytis Futsal -------------3-3-0-0--9--2-9
2. Mimel Lucenec ---------------3-2-0-1-11--8-6
3. Araz Naxçivan ---------------3-0-1-2--3--7-1
4. Valletta FC -----------------3-0-1-2--4-10-1

Club entering Elite Round: FK Vytis Futsal


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